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How to clean the shower area in 5 easy steps

Shower Area Cleaning

Isn’t it ironic that the place meant to keep you clean often becomes quite messy? From soap scum and hard water deposits to the usual stains, you need to stay on top of a large number of problems in the shower area. The only way to address them is to include the shower area on your list of bathroom cleaning chores. If you approach the task in a specific manner, you can expect to deal with it quickly and without any problem whatsoever.

Here is the best procedure you should follow, according to expert home cleaners:

  • Rinse the shower area initially – before you do anything else, you should rinse the floor, tiles and walls with hot water for a few minutes. The goal is not just to address the initial mess in the place, but also to expand the pores of the surface materials. That is a sure way to make cleaning more effective and quick. You can undertake this task immediately after someone has taken a shower.
  • Clean the shower head – a quick peek at your average household reveals the same picture: a showerhead covered in limescale and hard water deposits. In some cases, the contamination is so severe that some holes of the showerhead are clogged. It doesn’t take too much effort to realise that cleaning the showerhead is one task you should not underestimate. To address it properly, you should soak the showerhead in a solution with one part vinegar and one part water overnight. This will loosen the gunk and make it easy to remove. In case the showerhead is fixed on a wall, you can tie a plastic bag around it. This is a reliable method, which doesn’t require much setup and effort.
  • Home Cleaning Services LondonClean soap scum from tiles and other surfaces – soap scum is a pretty much unavoidable companion to every bathroom. There is usually a thin film that develops in the shower area that you need to clean on a regular basis to keep it all clean. The way you do this is by using a bathroom cleaner. You can pick any brand sold in your local supermarket. Just remember to spray and leave it for about 20 minutes for it to do its job. Consult the label before using any product in the bathroom. Run the exhaust fan to keep the fan ventilated and wear gloves to avoid any skin irritations.
  • Clean the grout – tile grout requires a specialised approach, because of its nature. It is porous and quickly absorbs any unwanted stains. What you can use is a toothbrush, as it is the ideal size tool for the job. After applying the shower cleaning product, scrub the area with the brush.
  • Unclog the drain – declogging the drain may present some nasty surprises so be prepared. Chances are you will find a lot of tangled hair and greasy build-up. Do a follow-up work with a drain cleaner to dissolve the remaining residue.

If you follow these five steps, you can bet that your shower area will be much more inviting and fresh.

© Top TD Cleaning Company

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