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4 surprising cleaning tips with fruit

Fruit Cleaning Tips

Fruits are a wonderful treasure that you should cherish. Not only are they great for your health, making an essential component of every diet, but you can also use them for a variety of cleaning tasks. You didn’t read that wrong: fruits make for a wonderful cleaning aid, as long as you know how to utilise them in your daily household chores.

Below are a few uses that you will find particularly handy:

  • Eco Friendly Cleaning TipsGrapefruit – grapefruit is as tasty as it is useful for cleaning. You only need to pair it with vinegar, and you have yourself a potent bacteria killer, which leaves behind a fresh fragrance. One way to use it is to make a grapefruit spray. Combine half a cup of fresh grapefruit juice and 1 cup of white vinegar for an excellent solution against limescale in the bathroom/kitchen. Another useful recipe you can try out is 2 cups vinegar, 2 cups water and the peel of two grapefruits with 6-10 drops of tea tree essential oil. Place all of this in a jar and keep it somewhere dark for a week or so. The oils of the grapefruit peel will remove the vinegar smell, after which you should remove the peel and use the spray in your day-to-day cleaning efforts. If your bathtub or shower area are long overdue for a scrub, try out grapefruit. Cut one in half and pour some salt on the piece. Start scrubbing and squeeze a little juice out of the fruit in the process for shining clean results.
  • Rhubarb – perhaps you think that cleaning pots is a difficult task, but just wait till you incorporate rhubarb in your efforts. Chop up some of it and boil it in a dirty pot for about 10 minutes. The rhubarb will become gluey and do a fantastic job at removing the soils from the pot.
  • Banana – believe it or not, banana makes a nice addition for cleaning wooden surfaces. Mash up some of it and smear on a wooden surface. Use a soft cloth to clean and polish the area. If you have a lot of indoor plants, you can use the inside of banana peels to keep plants healthy. You can similarly use them to polish leather items.
  • Lemon – this fruit is a cleaning wonder. It possesses acidic properties that easily kill bacteria and cut through grease like it is nothing. To clean limescale, you can use lemon juice and vinegar against hard water deposits and limescale. You can also clean the microwave by placing half a cup of a microwave-safe bowl in it and the juice from half a lemon along with the two cut halves. Microwave it on high for several minutes and wipe the interior with a clean cloth.

As you can see, fruits have plenty of cleaning uses that you can take advantage of in your daily routine. Be sure to try these cleaning methods to find out how great they are.

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